Spent less time on AWS
and more time on Features!

Get an AWS CDK Library that provides out-of-the box solutions for AWS.

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1. Install the AWS CDK Library

2. Use out-of-the-box solutions

3. Launch your features faster

We simplify AWS, so you can launch features faster

Monitor your Cloud

Our CDK library comes with full monitoring out-of the box.

Accelerate Development

Our reference applications lets you easily build new features.

Reduce Costs

Reduce costs by using Easily build your AWS cloud for excellence: security, reliability, and cost optimization.

Pass Certification Audits

Simplify your next certification audit by having everything in order.

Deploy an AWS Landing Zone following best practices

The Rocketleap AWS CDK Library provides you everything you need to deploy an AWS Platform following best-practices. The platform provides your engineers the perfect landing zone to develop fast.
  • AWS Platform: a full AWS Organization that provides Accounts, Service Control Policies, and SSO.
  • VPC: a shared VPC for all development environments that provides connectivity at minimal cost.
  • Security Tooling: protect your AWS Cloud environment and aggregate everything in log archives.

Build production-ready

The Rocketleap AWS CDK Library simplifies deploying production-ready AWS by providing an opinionated building block for almost all AWS Resources. These building blocks provides a whole range of functionality all out-of-the-box:
  • Observability: alert your engineers with monitoring and alerting using CloudWatch.
  • Security: provides guard rails to ensure all AWS resources are deployed securely.
  • Cost Optimization: adds any possible cost reduction to of all your AWS resources.
  • Reliability: provision all resources with autoscaling and multi-az in mind.

Follow reference applications

The Rocketleap AWS CDK Library provides production ready reference applications. These reference application contain full applications from start to finish. They incorporate DevOps principles to allow to deploy daily. Rocketleap enables every engineer, no matter how experienced, to deploy applications to AWS quickly.
  • ECS: a container application using Fargate.
  • Lambda: a serverless application that shows how to adopt serverless.
  • Frontend: easily deploy frontends using CloudFront and S3.

Automatically deploy from your GitHub

The Rocketleap AWS CDK Library is uploaded to your GitHub Organization. It contains advanced pipelines for GitHub Actions that allow you to deploy your infrastructure automatically after each pull request.
  • GitHub: you get 100% access to the code in your own GitHub organization.
  • Actions: automatically deploy your AWS CDK using GitHub Actions.
  • Infrastructure as Code: everything is done using infrastructure as code and pipelines.

Transform your infrastructure

Partner with Rocketleap to achieve scalable, secure, and compliant cloud solutions with our expert AWS services.

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