Launch the next step in
your cloud journey.

€8950 / fixed price

  • Full Rocketleap platform
  • Building Blocks Library
  • Reference Applications
€1500 / Month

  • Full Rocketleap platform
  • Building Blocks Library
  • Reference Applications
  • Updates, New Features, and Support
  • Access to our AWS Experts
  • Complete AWS Review for free!

Our Guarantees

No Vendor Lock-in

All the code is hosted and deployed from your GitHub. You are free to use it after we stop collaborating.

Integrates easily

The Rocketleap AWS CDK Library integrates easily with existing AWS Infrastructure. You will receive the benefits from day 1 without costly migrations.

Trial Period

You can try the Rocketleap AWS CDK Library for 30 days. If it does not solve your problems, you get your money back.


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Can we have a trail period for your AWS CDK Library?

Absolutely! We provide a 30-day money back guarantee if the Rocketleap AWS CDK Library does not meet your expectations! Our installation manuals are easy to follow, but if you ever get stuck, then we will hop on a call with you and fix any issue you have. If you have new requirements that are not yet covered in our existing library, we will work alongside you to implement this in our CDK libray. We often have strong partnerships with our customers helping them in their next step and they are giving us continual feedback.

How will you integrate with our existing AWS Platform?

The Rocketleap AWS CDK Library can be deployed next to your existing AWS Platform without problems. We have done this with many customers before and they immediately have received the benefits of using the Rocketleap AWS CDK Library for their existing workloads. You can start adopting the new building-blocks library for any new resources and migrate existing workloads where it makes sense. Your developers can immediately start adopting the patterns in the reference applications to quickly develop in AWS.

Why do I need Rocketleap for AWS?

AWS offers their services to any single developer hosting their pet project to gigantic enterprise organizations. This range makes it hard for AWS to recommend how to build your workloads. Next to that, AWS can be hugely powerful, but at the cost of becoming hugely complex. This leaves developers becoming overwhelmed with what they should do.

We provide an opinionated AWS Platform that guides you in setting up the best practices for scale ups and small to medium companies. We take care of all the complexity and choices through our years of experience and market research on what works well for your size company. We can provide easy to use building blocks and clear reference application that work because we know the platform you are using and understand the challenges you face.